Election Delay Reports February 8, 2024

There are some rumors being raised by the media houses to Election delay the general election of 2024. However, the secretary of the ECP clarified that these rumors are baseless and fabricated. Further, he said that the ECP has intensified its activities regarding the general election. He said that the election would be held on the scheduled date.

He further said that those media houses spreading baseless news are taking legal action against them according to the rule of law. They must stop these activities.

Election Delayed

Some Hurdles that may increase the chance of Election Delay Date

The following factors are given below. You must read them consciously.

Economic instability

At this time, economic instability is at its highest peak. A free and fair election makes economic conditions stronger in a country. A fabricated government cannot bring economic prosperity to the Country because this party does not have a clear agenda for economic stability. Its time of tenure is too short.

Economic stability comes at this time when the elected government has proper knowledge about the economic sector. This government tries to fix the faults of the economic sector.

In general, the Election Commission of Pakistan needs 42 billion rupees, but at this time, 10 billion rupees have been delivered. This can cause a delay in the election process.

Security issue

It is another issue that can affect the election delay process badly. Because ECP needs approximately 65,000 security guards for this purpose, this security issue can become a serious problem if the election is delayed. But now, in Pakistan, situations are controlled. There is no war being held. But in the elections of 2008 and 2013, the security situation reached its highest peak. The uncertain conditions have spread to every corner of Pakistan. Even in 2007, the former Chairman of the Pakistan People’s Party was killed by the terrorists. At this time, uncertainty conditions were at their highest peak. But in 2008, elections would be held.

Worse conditions in KPK and Baluchistan

At this time, some protests are being raised by public groups and political parties. In KPK, some political parties are protesting for a level playing field. Because they have faced a lot of difficulties regarding the general process, they claim that they do not take part in election delay campaigns freely. At the same time, other parties are free; these parties can do their desired tasks freely.

On the other hand, a little bit worse condition is being created by public groups in Baluchistan. Baluch groups protest for their missing persons. Dr. Maharang Baluch is leading this protest. She says that they have lost their relatives for five to six years, and no one knows whether these missing persons are dead or alive. She says that security institutions take on serious tasks for their recovery.

Missing person cases are being raised rapidly in Baluchistan, according to the Voice for Baloch Missing Persons (VBMP). There have been more than 7,000 missing people in Baluchistan. 

All these issues are very serious, but security institutions and the present government can control them.

Political instability

It is another serious issue in Pakistan. At this time, political polarization is at its highest peak. Due to the political polarization, the establishment of this Country is stronger. Political parties do not have specific agendas for their politics.

Political stability comes at this time when political candidates have a clear vision to solve the issues of the masses. When they talked about their future policies, they told us how these policies would make our Country stronger.

But for now, to achieve political instability, our political leaders must be clear in their visions.

Issues on Halqa Bandi

It is another serious issue in Pakistan because political parties are raising questions about the halqa bandi.


To secure the election, how many security guards are required for the general election of 2024?

According to the estimates, mostly 6 lac security guards are required to secure the general election of 2024.

Has the Election Commission of Pakistan clarified misleading news about the general election of 2024?

The spokesperson for ECP has given this clarification. He said that the news about delays in elections is misleading and fabricated. The election will be held on schedule. He further said that we are also going to take legal action against these media houses that are spreading misleading news.

How many Missing People are there in Baluchistan?

According to the Voice for Baloch Missing Persons (VBMP),. There have been more than 7000 missing persons from Baluchistan. In this regard, a protest is being run by Baluch gr0ups. Dr. Maharang Baluch is leading this group.

Why do the people of Baluchistan grow slowly?

Due to the lack of basic resources, such as scarcity of water, terrain land, inappropriate facilities of health, lack of education, system of feudal lords, and many more. The people of Baluchistan are depressed. They are living hand to mouth. All these serious issues affect their lives badly.

People of Baluchistan Migrated from where?

Baluch historian Naseer Dasti says that this ethnic group lived between the Caspian Sea and Lake Van. In the ninth century, they migrated from the Caspian Sea to Baluchistan. After the independence of Pakistan, on March 27, 1948, Baluchistan Province Joined Pakistan Officially.


There are multiple serious issues our Country is facing. These issues can increase the chance of election delay. But for the scheduled election, the Election Commission of Pakistan has given its clarification about these misleading points. To control these issues, it has made effective policies.

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